One of the most important relationships independent publishers have is with their authors, so how can publishers ensure that it's a productive working relationship? American Academy of Pediatrics Senior Editor Kathryn Sparks joins “Inside Independent Publishing (with IBPA)” to share advice about how publishers can successfully work with their authors based on her two decades in the industry.
She’ll share tips about setting reasonable deadlines and how to stick to them; the best ways to work with an author through the writing and editing process; and more. She’ll also share insights into how the independent publishing industry is doing at the moment, and what improvements could be made.
Kathryn Sparks is senior editor for the parent consumer line at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Prior to the AAP, she worked as the assistant to the publisher at Sourcebooks, Inc. Past industry experience also includes part-time literary assistant at the Chicago-based Tina Purcell Agency, and part-time assistant to best-selling author Claudia Gray. Her MG Novel, Reality Natalie, was published by Firedrake Books, Inc. She has served on the IBPA Editorial Advisory Committee, IBPA Advocacy Committee, and is currently on the IBPA Board of Directors, IBPA Executive Committee, and is co-chair of the IBPA Membership Committee.