by Antonio Simon Jr., Entrepreneur & Attorney --

Antonio Simon Jr.
Discover the benefits of reading and supporting indie books.
Now, more than ever, indie authors are delivering fresh and innovative books into the hands of eager readers. These topics make for great discussion on why independently published books are unique, important, and valuable.
1. Indies Take Chances
Big publishing companies operate like any big business; they're looking for immediate returns on the safest investments involving the least expenditure of company capital possible. The result of this philosophy is that committees get formed to analyze sales trends, and then the company puts out titles that match those trends. Indies are different because no one tells them what to write. Generally speaking, absolute creative control remains with the author. They are free to write what's popular, or not, as they desire. This freedom allows indies to take risks, blend genres, and innovate.
2. Indies Are Your Neighbors
Modern technology has made it easier than ever for anyone to become a published author. This is a wonderful turn of events, because it means that every story worth sharing gets a chance. It also means that, more than ever before, people can say they've met an actual, bona fide published author. The opportunity to personally interact with a book's author brings a new dimension to the reading experience.
3. Indies Are Small, Local Businesses
When you buy a book from an indie author, you are investing in your community. With the myriad tasks that go into a single book's production, sometimes an author lacks all the necessary the skill sets. At such times, an author might look to an editor, a graphic artist, or other professional for assistance in their respective spheres. Thus, when you buy an indie book, not only are you supporting the author, you are also giving work to freelancers, who are small businesses themselves.
4. Indies Are Approachable
When you're standing in line to meet a big author, if you're lucky, you might get a word or two in with them as they finish autographing your book, then you're asked step aside. It's different with indies. More often than not, indie authors pursue their writing careers as a second job, and that means they are their own PR department. It's them on the other side of a Facebook post, tweet, or any other of the social media tools people use today. At in-person appearances, many indies would welcome the chance to chat with the public about their lives, their writing journeys, and just about anything else.
5. Indies Are Artisans
A book is a multimedia work of art. You've got the cover image and the interior elements paired with words that all come together to tell a story. The indie author has complete involvement in getting a single book done, but that also means that full responsibility for the job ultimately falls on the author's shoulders. It's a lot of work, but oftentimes it's also a labor of love. In many cases, an indie writer's biggest motivation to write is not fame or profit motive but simply the desire to tell a story.
Antonio Simon Jr. is one of the founders of Darkwater Syndicate, an independent publisher in Miami, and has been involved in the company's operations since its inception in 2008. He has over 10 years of legal and business experience, and 15 years in sales and customer relations.
To learn more about author publishers, check out this
IBPA Independent article, "
Indie Publishers Confidential."