by Kevin Kamen, President, Kamen & Co Group Services

Kevin Kamen
As a multimedia valuation firm based in New York (, our team is thinking broadcast, print, and digital growth this year, and we expect the stock market to be the place on which to keep both eyes centered. With a new president in office and a Republican controlled House and Senate, you can expect regulations to be scaled back in the coming months in DC and the stock market to continue to become a more inviting place for investors to park their investment dollars. Anything media will be a smart investment in 2017. Putting your hard-earned dollars into broadcast and digital, and, to a degree, print, will pay dividends in the long haul.
Once President Trump shapes the government to his liking and invests in building the military, pipelines, infrastructure, and inner cities; undoes a wide array of regulations affecting business; and cuts back on waste throughout the government, a fair share of advertising and marketing dollars and investment in media outlets will allow for numerous media entities to take advantage of new development strategies across all sectors of the country and ultimately see growth.
Values at many broadcast entities are likely to soar during the next four years. Analysts will be busy, reporters and news agencies will be working around the clock, and the public will be crying out for more and more in this informational age. The markets will not stay stagnant, inflation rates will be adjusted, and interest rates should climb.
This year will not only be about paywalls, payroll, links, printing costs, distribution, unique visits, or buyer consumption. Instead, it will be about becoming more creative, using social media initiatives to attract revenue streams like never before, and enhancing your team so it is better trained, better prepared, and able to adjust to the new world order within the media sphere. It is no longer important to be just good. It is necessary to be focused, idea-centric, precise, reflective, and everywhere in order to become profitable and relevant to an ever-more-demanding and engaged audience that requires much more as the publishing and broadcast sectors work to be a firewall for independence and integrity, all the while keeping both eyes on the bottom line.
Kevin Kamen is the president, CEO, and owner at Kamen & Co Group Services. The company is based in Uniondale, New York, and provides professional financial valuations, consultation, and brokerage services to the multimedia and entertainment trade on a worldwide basis.